The Northwest Collection is a research collection therefore the materials are not available to check out.

As many materials are rare and fragile, the following guidelines for use are always observed:

  • Pencils only for note taking: pens are not permitted in the Northwest Room.
  • The use of personal tape recorders, typewriters, laptop computers, and cameras may be permitted, providing that they do not disturb other researchers. Please check with staff before using.
  • All materials are returned to staff ten minutes before closing.
  • All materials are re-shelved and re-filed by staff.
  • Photocopying of some materials may be restricted. Library staff will assist in limited photocopying of unrestricted materials.
  • Spokane Public Library does not surrender its right to print or otherwise reproduce manuscripts or to grant permission to others. The researcher must assume responsibility for the use of material including the infringement of copyright or other agency owner.
  • As the Northwest Room was designed to accommodate research, no accommodation has been made for small children.
  • Cellular telephones are not allowed in the room.